Saturday, December 4, 2010

Number Two - The Sheep

This is the other one that I got on tonight.
The Sheep.
There ALWAYS has to be a Sheep.
I love them best.
Next to Donkeys.

One of these days I’ve got to make ME
a wooly sheep like this guy
because I love, love, love
his curly coat.

And because I already have a Donkey.
Interesting .. I only made two needle felted pieces this year,
and they're BOTH going to live in
How cool is that.

The Sheep link to Ebay:  

 I am
eternally GRATEFUL
to my dear friend,
Helen from Kansas,
for the wonderfully luscious, luxurious
and totally treasured Tibetan lamb ...
it is GOLD to me!


  1. Such a glorious sheep! I can't decide which I like better, the sheep or the donkey...both have such wonderful personalities!!

  2. Thank you ;-) They DO have personalities!
